Graces Received
God is generous and takes pleasure in distributing his graces to women and men throughout history, either directly or through mediators. JEAN GAILHAC, for his CHEART WITHOUT BORDERS and other heroic virtues that he demonstrated and that were recognized by the Church , is, together with God, one of these intercessors, especially for the people that he served the most in life: women, adolescents, and children living in vulnerable situations. He was able and wanted to serve in this way, because he followed Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit and adopted as his mission to make Him better known and loved, SO THAT ALL MAY HAVE LIFE.
This is a space for the dissemination of the graces received from God through JEAN GAILHAC.
So if you turned to him as an intercessor and felt that God answered your petition, please, WRITE ABOUT YOUR FAITH EXPERIENCE HERE.