Father Jean Gailhac
Jean Gailhac’s spirituality is Christocentric. Father Gailhac internalizes the way of feeling, thinking and acting of Jesus and reflects it in his actions with the most needy, as well as in his way of dealing with his dear daughters, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. His spirituality is rooted in his sensitivity to the affections of his time, which affects him during his life and, especially, in his contact with the Word of God. Gradually, a spirituality that draws him closer to the compassionate Christ expressed in the parable of the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:1-18) will emerge in his life. The Christ who goes in search of the lost old woman. The Christ who came so that everyone might have life. In this perspective, Gailhac got to know the RSHM Mission: “The mission is to know God and make him known, to love God and make him loved, proclaim that Jesus Christ came for all who had”.
According to Jean Gailhac, it is impossible to carry out such a mission without integration between faith and zeal. He always affirmed that the spirit of the Institute is a spirit of faith and warmth. The proof of faith is visibility in life, in work, in action. In giving these two basic elements for RSHM spirituality, Gailhac insists on the double axis of Jesus’ life: love for the Father and love for humanity. A total commitment to God and a total offering of ourselves to others are one reality.
Another characteristic of Gailhac’s spirituality is the tendency to embody in reality. . It is a spirituality with its feet planted in reality, in nature, in the cosmos. We can say that Jean Gailhac hears, sees, contemplates, touches the suffered reality, to intuit a vision and carry out a mission. He lives the concrete experience of the incarnation. Therefore, he leaves another legacy: “BEING IN THE HEART OF THE WORLD TO TRANSFORM IT”.