Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity.

Since 2015 with the publication of Laudato Si’ by Pope Francis, our RSHM-RSCM JPIC-UN team has encouraged and shared how we as an international congregation show care for our Common Home. For some months now we have gathered stories of how our Areas are promoting programs to address these concerns.
In this year, as we celebrate the Year of Jean Gailhac, it is most appropriate to recognize how similar Father Gailhac’s words and encouragements in the 1800’s are to the urgings of Laudato Si’.  

Now, honoring Laudato Si Week, our JPIC presents a beautiful reflection and prayer with quotes from Father Gailhac.

In September we will share more stories and reflections from our Areas for the Year of Jean Gailhac for the Season of Creation.

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 & Year Jean Gailhac
Toughts and Prayer

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