Metamorphosis? or Transformation?

Today, we are invited to interact with this “provocation”. And so we begin to question ourselves about the meaning of these two terms, allowing this to lead us to “something deeper”… in our personal itinerary. I begin, then, this conversation in a simple way, already counting on the enriching participation of each one… from your own interest and understanding.

Metamorphosis is the sequence of major changes that some animal species undergo during their development. The butterfly and the frog are animals that undergo this process.

Understanding better what “metamorphosis” means: this word derives from the Greek: meta (beyond), morfé (figure or form) and osis (change of state). That would be a CHANGE.

Happening in the lives of some animals – insects, fish, amphibians, metamorphosis is a sudden and irreversible change to adult life. It affects insects, some fish and certain amphibians.

Applied to human beings, in a figurative sense, “metamorphosis” is the considerable change that takes place in a person’s character, state, or appearance.

The “human metamorphosis” are, then, the changes that we witness in our lives and that are really necessary. When we are born, we are small, babies. And, with time, our structure does not change, but grows. We can consider this a bodily metamorphosis. However, the TRANSFORMATIONS continue to happen… after adult life, IN OUR INTERIOR.

The CHOICES we make throughout our lives are the biggest determinants of our TRANSFORMATIONS. And everything begins to change intensely when we reach the young stage of our lives, when we need to make our decisions.


Many of these choices will TRANSFORM us directly. After all, it is impossible to make a choice and not identify positive and negative points. And they are the ones who will dictate the personal “metamorphosis” happening in each one of us.

TRANS-FORMATION – we are being… formed in the heart of Christ, to become ‘other Christ’. For this, we need to make CHOICES

* Formation, as a WALK OF THE HEART – Love/Relationship/Encounter;

* PERSEVERANCE and FAITHFULNESS – dynamically moving from the present to the future;

* TRANSFORMATION – being formed in the heart of Christ to transform ourselves into ‘other Christs’

* FAITHFUL DISCIPLESHIP – Grace and Love in action – the practice of Sacrificial Charity.

Finally: PROPHETIC HOPE – PASSION and COMPASSION: they are necessary! Where do we see this in Fr.Gailhac’s life? And in the life of Apollonia?

“We are in God’s hands. We will try to be humble and docile instruments and God will do for us what he pleases”. Father Gailhac

“I will work with all my strength to become like Jesus Christ, I promise to transform myself into what He wants me to be in order to carry out the worthy mission to which He has called me”. Sister Sr Jean

Sr. Rosa de Lima Pereira, RSHM

Heritage and Spirituality Group

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