Transformation – I

Jean Gailhac is alive and is relevant!

The saints are always alive and timely. They never lose their importance, since they provide a fascinating commentary on the Gospel. (Pope Francis)

The person and the charism granted to Jean Gailhac are as relevant and necessary in our world and in the Church today as they were in the 19th century. In faith, our Founder allowed himself to be guided by God’s love, which moved him to love others, especially the most vulnerable and marginalized. An active, creative, self-sacrificing love, given to eternal life. Such is love: it never passes away, and it will always be new and surprising. This is and will be Jean Gailhac!

Young Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary from diverse cultures bear witness to how the man of “heart without boundaries” is alive in their lives, encouraging them to personal transformation, inspiring them to walk with the times, impelling them to transform the world.

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